
Day 6-Epcot..Again!

Our last day in Orlando was spent at Epcot..again. We just love this place.!It was so horribly busy at Magic Kingdom you could barely even walk-so we decided that we would make another trip to Disneyworld later in the year and spend our time just there. I think we’ll look to going on the off season next time. Since Magic Kingdom was out of the question, we voted and all were in favor of Epcot.

As we were walking around the World Showcase at Epcot on Thursday, Austin had noticed that there were all of these kids carrying around  special cell phones, and had discovered that they were playing a game that was brand new there called Kim Possible. It is based on a cartoon show where they solve crimes and save the world. You sign up and get a special mission time at one of the country locations. There they check out a cell phone to you with the  country that you are to help solve the crime in. On the cell phone there is a video that explains the mystery. It shows you a picture of different places in that country and you have to go into the shops or around that country and find the clues. It has a few places where when you push a button on the cell phone it remotely activates something there in the store or on one of the buildings. It is really cool. The kids had fun solving a mystery in Germany, Japan, and France.

While Brianna, Austin, and Aaron were playing the one in Japan, the little girls and I scouted out Snow White nearby and waited in line to meet her. They were very excited to see a princess up close, but were a little nervous as well. Brooke was especially curious as to whether her hair was a wig or not, but I suggested it may be better to not ask her that. She asked about Brooke’s pretty earings and what fun things that had all done there.  Snow white

After we had met her and were waiting for the others, our plan was to play at a playground right next to where Snow White was. As we walked over there and were about to play the worker asked Erika how old she was, and informed her it was a playground for 6-12 year olds. He gave her a sticker to try to make it better, but she was not impressed. I was just putting my camera away when I turned around and saw her walk over to the curb, sit down, and rip off her sticker. The man felt so bad. If her humble little spirit and pouty lower lip doesn’t melt your heart, I don’t know what does.

Erika sticker 1Erika sticker 2Erika sticker 3

Erika has  such a tender heart, and I think this trip made a few things especially hard for her. She wanted to be with the big kids, but many times she wasn’t old enough or tall enough to go on the rides with them.  This was just the straw that broke the camels back. She is at a hard in -between age. Hopefully by the time we go next she will be able to be in the “big kid”group. It’s so hard being four!

While waiting in France for Austin and Brianna to save the world with Kim Possible..we were so hot and there just happened to be a fountain in France’s town square. It was built up on a two foot cement wall and you could sit on it and admire its beauty, or if you are a kid play in it of course. While I waited on a nearby bench, Aaron took Brooke, Erika, and Abby to play in it. As I was sitting there with Scott this lady comes to sit down next to me and after a few minutes turns to me and says, “Check this guy out. (Pointing to Aaron) He’s going to have all  three of his girls soaking wet in that water pretty soon. “ She kind of chuckles as she continues to watch them just waiting for one of them to take a head dive into the fountain. I kind of chuckle as well, then say, “Yea,..that’s my husband and three girls.” I guess the matching brown outfits didn’t give it away. I think she felt a little embarrassed and tried to redeem herself by saying, “Oh yea, they are so cute.” It was pretty funny. And yes, they did end up getting soaked and had a marvelous time doing it.

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