
{ Scott and Ryan’s First Day of Preschool }

I think the phrase I heard most this summer besides the occasional “I’m bored”, was these two asking if today was a preschool day. Scott and Ryan both attended a little preschool put on by a lady in our ward at church two days a week last year. When the school year ended in May they were so sad that they wouldn’t have “school” anymore. I assured them that when the big kids started up school again so would they. Well, two and a half months is quite a while for a four and two year old to wait. Once the kids were in school again, their pleas became more intense. Because of their teacher being out of town, they didn’t end of starting until after Labor Day-which almost killed them!

Finally, the big day was here! Those two were up as early as they could be, packing their backpacks with all kinds of stuff. Scott was really adamant about getting his own school supplies this year when the other kids were all gathering their supplies and marking off important lists of things they needed for class. He got a yellow metal school box, crayons, colored pencils, glue sticks, Elmer’s glue, scissors, and a notebook. He had his monkey backpack from last year, and his monkey lunchbox which has part of the inside chewed up from our dog Simon. Nice. They don’t really even need to bring a lunch-they have a snack there, but he insists that he pack one almost every day for him and Ryan. Most days I am too tired to pay attention to what he is packing, and we end up with some pretty interesting lunches. We are working on expanding our lunches from more than just fruit snacks, chips, goldfish,and juice boxes.

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Ryan is just mostly happy to go and do anything that Scott is. He wears that “Little Brother” shirt with pride-boy does he love being the little brother and having a big brother to follow around. He has his same backpack from last year too-a nice bright pink one that used to be the girls. All the fun stuff you get when you follow three sisters. He wears it proudly around and likes to feel like a big kid.

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I’m pretty sure that there was a dump truck driving down our street at this time. I have come to grips with the fact that I can never really compete with any kind of truck to these two. I love how Scott is the proud older brother and Ryan is so happy to show him what he sees-it is so their life right now. I love that they have so much fun together and are growing so close. Ryan is finally old enough to play with Scott, and lets Scott be the boss most days and direct them in what they should play.

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Love these two brothers!

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