
{ Our New Lot }

Yesterday we signed our contract to start building on our new house. We have been looking at this lot for almost 2 years, since we first put our house up for sale. It is a nice big lot, that is flat-perfect for playing soccer, is closer to shopping than our first house, has great schools that are very close by, and feels like home. We love the neighborhood and are so excited to start building. We really feel like we are getting the best lot in the subdivision. It is such a blessing for our family. Every time we have gone to visit our friends the Johnson’s we would check out the lot to make sure nobody else had bought it. The slow market was frustrating trying to sell our first house, but was a blessing in the long run-it kept our little lot ours.

Our new lot blog

A view of our lot to the east with our friends house in the background. You really need to move back from Germany now Johnsons!

We have been working steady the last two months getting everything in line to start. I have a feeling that our days of researching, picking out things for the house, and narrowing down choices is just beginning. We are really pleased with the floor plan that we have been working with the builder on. We feel like we have gotten to include almost everything on our “need” list and many wants as well. It really makes me excited to have more space to spread out. Our nine people in this little rental is becoming a bit squished, but definitely doable for six months.

Our new lot other view blog

A view of our lot to the south.

They already have our house staked out on the lot for us to look over and get a feel for where we would want to place it. We have met our neighbors next door also and they are very nice. They have already offered us their swing set for our kids to play on anytime we want while we are building. It’s going to be an exciting six months!


{ Ryan’s New Hair }

Ryan has been sporting his new hairdo for a few weeks now, but not on account of me cutting it. He has managed to completely rub away all of his baby hair around the sides and back of his head. The only part that has remained is his little tuff on the very top. It looks so intentional, and I think that makes me like it even more.

Ryan losing hair blog

Ryan smiling blog

Ryan losing hair looking up_edited-1 blog

Ryan 5 Months

With all his other baby hair gone, his top hair has really started growing a lot longer, and I think I am even detecting a little curl in it too. We will have to see if these curls decide to stick around or just fall out with the rest of his hair.Ryan sleeping in highchair blog

{ You Might be a Brother of Sisters if…}

..you find the only seating in the house consists of something that is pink and frilly.

Scott on pink chair blog

You might be a happy brother of sister’s if…Scott on pink chair smiling blog

…you really want to color and you can’t reach the table and your creative juices are flowing’ and there’s no time to find a different little chair.

..or you just like pink.


{ Walking With My Boys }

Scott and Ryan in stroller blog

It is nice to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather-jackets or just a long sleeve shirt, just the kind I like. We have been walking around our new little neighborhood, with the boys in the stroller and Abby on her scooter. Scott has gotten better about not bothering Ryan while they are in the stroller, so walks have become much more enjoyable for all of us.They usually last for our 2 mile loop we make, but sometimes Abby has to ride on the edge of the stroller for the last little bit. We are starting to get used to our nice cozy neighborhood.

Ryan in stroller blog

And here’s one of those cute smiles I love to see.


{ Ryan 4 Months }

Ryan on wood floor 1 blog

Ryan on wood floor 3_edited-1 blog

Ryan on wood floor 2 blog  

We are so in love with Ryan and all his little baby chub! We usually make little petite Starbuck babies, but this guy has such cute rolls that we can’t get enough of. I didn’t realize until looking back at pictures how he has started to lose that newborn baby look and has taken on a look of his own. In Erika’s words, “Ryan like has his face now.” Yes he does, and a cute face it is. Here are some other milestones for him:

  • His hair is getting thicker and longer, but not too curly except when it’s wet. It’s a lot like Scott’s was when he was a baby.
  • Ryan can roll over from front to back and back to front.
  • He can push himself up on his arms a little, and kind of scoot in a circle.
  • He is happy to just nurse still, no baby food yet, and insists on eating many times during the night  as well. It’s making for all his cute chub, but also a tired mom.
  • He isn’t sleeping in his own bed yet, still ours most of the night.
  • He likes his Exersaucer, but not his Bumbo. He just squirms too much and tries to get out of it.
  • He is wearing some 6 months clothes already.
  • No talking or babbling yet, just lots of smiles for us.