Yesterday we signed our contract to start building on our new house. We have been looking at this lot for almost 2 years, since we first put our house up for sale. It is a nice big lot, that is flat-perfect for playing soccer, is closer to shopping than our first house, has great schools that are very close by, and feels like home. We love the neighborhood and are so excited to start building. We really feel like we are getting the best lot in the subdivision. It is such a blessing for our family. Every time we have gone to visit our friends the Johnson’s we would check out the lot to make sure nobody else had bought it. The slow market was frustrating trying to sell our first house, but was a blessing in the long run-it kept our little lot ours.
A view of our lot to the east with our friends house in the background. You really need to move back from Germany now Johnsons!
We have been working steady the last two months getting everything in line to start. I have a feeling that our days of researching, picking out things for the house, and narrowing down choices is just beginning. We are really pleased with the floor plan that we have been working with the builder on. We feel like we have gotten to include almost everything on our “need” list and many wants as well. It really makes me excited to have more space to spread out. Our nine people in this little rental is becoming a bit squished, but definitely doable for six months.
A view of our lot to the south.
They already have our house staked out on the lot for us to look over and get a feel for where we would want to place it. We have met our neighbors next door also and they are very nice. They have already offered us their swing set for our kids to play on anytime we want while we are building. It’s going to be an exciting six months!