I remember when Austin started Scouts thinking how I would ever learn all of this stuff. Despite the fact that I had many brothers, I never paid too much attention to the finer details of Scouting. Austin entering into Cub Scouts changed all of that. Now, three years later, we are ending a journey of sorts, and starting a new one with his journey in the Boy Scouts is just beginning. He has been so excited to finally start attending 11 year old scouts. Today we had the official crossing over ceremony, along with the presentation of the rest of the awards he earned as a Webelo Scout. He earned his Arrow of Light, some more activity badges, and his Religious knot.
Aaron and him already went to get a new Scout book and a new uniform with pants, shorts, and belt. He was able to attend the 11 year old camp this year put on by the Stake. He was super excited to finally go camping! Aaron went up for one night and day and got to go on the hike with them. I still need to pull off the pictures from Aaron’s phone of them there. He was able to pass off a bunch of requirements with the other boys, and loved getting to hang out with other boys his age.
We are so proud of all his hard work in Scouting. He loves being active and in the outdoors, it’s almost a match made in heaven for this kid. Now, if his mom could just get her act together and sew all his patches on-that would be great too. Still working on that one.