
{ Austin and Brianna Are Official Soccer Refs }

At the end of summer, Brianna and Austin took a class at the soccer complex to become official soccer referees.  They were excited to have another way to earn money, and were glad to be doing anything that had to do with soccer. Austin was playing soccer this season and also had community service to do for school there at the concession stands, but still managed to get in about 8 games that he reffed. Brianna (I missed getting a picture of her in her flashy uniform-she may be glad about that) ended up taking a season off from playing soccer, but was still able to get in about 6 games.

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This last week was the end to the season and they were able to go pick up their checks. They both had big smiles on their faces about those checks. It was nice to see them excited about working, and feeling good about doing a job well done. After they each paid their tithing, we had them take the other 50 percent that they would normally have paid into their savings, to Aaron in repayment for him initially paying for the course. The rest was theirs to spend. I think they are seeing just how quickly that money goes too. You can only eat at Chick-filet so many times Austin…

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