
{ Homecoming Dance 2014 }

I can’t believe how grown up these two are. My two oldest are 16 and 14! A Junior and Freshman in high school! Where did the time go? I read a quote today that said the days are long, but the years are so short. It couldn’t be truer. While I ache a little for those days gone by, I am in love with watching my kids grow into the most amazing people. While these teen years can be challenging, they are so fun as well. I love getting excited with them over getting asked to dances, participating in school functions, and enjoying the fun parts of high school.

Brianna was extra excited this year to go to homecoming because she is finally old enough to date and go with someone to the dance. For the past two years she has just gone with a bunch of her girl friends and they have had fun, but this just took it to the next level of excitement for her.

Austin is old enough to go to dances, but not date so he ended up just going and hanging out with his friends and dancing. He had a soccer game right up to when the dance started, so he missed getting to see Brianna off and take pictures together. They were nice to humor me the next day with some pictures of the two of them. I love these two good looking kids of mine!

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Brianna got ready with two of her friends that afternoon-Ashleigh was going with another group and her other friend,Talia, was doubling with Brianna and her date. They were so cute as they rushed around trying to make everything just perfect-nails, hair, makeup, shoes. They looked beautiful of course!

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The boys brought them flowers and were good sports as I snapped picture after picture. They all just looked so great!

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The boys had planned a dinner at one of their homes before the dance. Brianna said when she walked in she almost cried. It was so nice. They had candles, and the table set all fancy with French music playing. The boys had made homemade noodles for Fettuccini Alfredo. They grilled chicken, had breadsticks and salad, and a homemade Strawberry Shortcake dessert. They were definitely wowed by the boys sweet manners. They would constantly be asking if they needed more water or anything else to eat. After that they headed to the dance and then back to their house for a movie that they laughed hysterically at. She walked in the door that night just beaming! SO fun to see her have fun with good friends!

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