
Clean teeth x 5

We enjoyed a fun filled day at the dentist. One mom, all six kids, a very crowded dentist office, and NO CAVITIES ! Yea! We rejoice in the little successes around here.
As each person finished their exam everyone else would cheer for them that they didn't have cavities. Austin was very sweet to hold Erika's hand for some good big-brother-support, and Abby threw a nice two year old fit in the dentist chair. The dentist almost lost a couple fingers, and mom almost lost her cool.
In the end everyone left with goody bags filled with all the great dentist office loot-new toothbrushes, toothpaste, little mirrors, a toy from the gumball machine, and lots of stickers. We finished out a good day by going out to eat at one of the kids favorite restaurants! Great job kids, we are so proud of you!


Me said...

You are the mom of the year~ all six in the dentist's office! You ROCK!!

Lisa said...

Don't you love it when they can fit everyone in at the same time! What a successful day!

Gary and Shelice Murphy said...

Definitely a reason to celebrate. I LOVE your blog and LOVE, LOVE you and your children!

The Harper Family said...

Wahoo!! No cavities!!