
{ Attention: We have a crawler..I repeat we have a crawler on aisle 8 }

I’m not sure that any kid ever in the history of histories has received as much cheering as Ethan has in his short 6 months that he has been with us. You’d think that being the tail end of a pretty big group of kids you’d get the raw end of the deal in the attention department..but I would have to whole heartedly disagree when it comes to Ethan.

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I think you must have to be pretty patient to be kid #8. It takes a lot of faith and courage to sit up there in heaven watching your siblings go down one by one, and just wait… hoping that your poor ol’ parents won’t get burnt out.

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And then finally it’s your turn!

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And all the fun that you’ve dreamed of having with those wild and crazy siblings you remember so well from heaven finally comes true. And they watch you so closely,…

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…really tracking your every move. But instead of feeling kind of creeped out like your being stalked or something, you just giggle and coo and really can’t quite get enough of it.

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And neither can they. All that patience sure paid off, because now instead of just having dear old mom and dad to cheer you on when you do something as momentous as crawling..well, you get 7 other little people screaming from the sidelines too.

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Life never looked so good. And now that I can get whatever I want…it’s even better.

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Sure those big boys think that their stuff is safe..

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..but I’m fast. They try to distract me with some other little toy to keep my mind off of their really cool stuff.

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But I don't buy it. I just wait until they are busy building again and then go for it.Ethan crawling 6 months blog-16Yep, they love me!

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