
{ Hospital Visitors }

Just hours after Ryan was born, the rest of the family got to come down to the hospital and meet their new little brother for the first time. They diplomatically decided who would get to hold him first-youngest to oldest, and they each waited SO patiently for their turn. Ryan had slept most of the day since his birth, but when they came in the room, he became so alert and awake. He opened his eyes and looked at each person as they held him. It was like he was becoming reacquainted with each person again. It was very sweet to see.

Scott was so excited. He walked into the room and kind of wandered around for awhile. When we asked him where the baby was, he became a man on a mission. He looked all over and when he spotted him in the baby bassinet, there was no holding him back.

Scott spotting Ryan blog

Scott reaching for Ryan blog  Scott kissing Ryan blog

Scott holding Ryan 1 blog

Scott holding Ryan 2 blog

I just love, love, love this picture. It pretty much sums up the sweet feelings that we all felt in that room. Older siblings, gently guiding their younger ones in becoming a new big brother and sisters, others anxiously watching and waiting for their turn, and just so much love!!

Abby was the next to get to hold Ryan. She took her new role as big sister very seriously. She intensely looked over him, making sure he was absolutely perfect and reassured him that we had fun toys at home for him to play with.

Abby holding ryan blog

Abby holding ryan 2 blog Erika was so anxiously to hold him, but also a little bit nervous. She was afraid she was holding him wrong and didn’t want to drop him. You did a great job Erika, I can tell you’re almost six!

Erika holding ryan blog After being the big sister to three younger siblings, Brooke knew how to hold Ryan perfectly. She was very concerned about when they would take off his electronic monitor on his ankle, and the clip on his umbilical cord. She would ask again and again, just so she knew exactly he going home procedure.

Brooke holding ryan blog

I don’t think big brothers come any better than this! It has been so cute to watch Austin goo and gaa over his new little brother. He loved that Ryan immediately held onto his finger.

Austin blog

Austin holding ryan blog

Brianna waited the longest to hold Ryan, but he took to her right away. He opened his eyes wide and just kept looking at her so intensely. I am sure those bonds from before this life are strong and his long deep looks only confirm that.

Brianna holding ryan blogjpg

ryan with mom and dad blog

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