
{ Brooke’s 9th Birthday }


Brooke's 9th birthday blog-2

At times I can hardly believe this girl is 9 already. I look at her and feel her spirit and think she may be an “old soul”. The depth she carries with her is unreal. She has this amazing way of seeing those around her and feeling and knowing what things are all about. I love her quirky sense of humor and spunky light she brings to our family. We love you so much Brooke!

We were writing in our journals the other night, and she promptly busied herself with others things she would rather do. In an attempt to motivate her to record something great, she agreed to a little birthday interview. No rhyme or reason to it, just random questions I could think of. I love her answers, they are SO Brooke!

Happy Birthday Brookey!

How would you describe yourself?

Organized, kind, brown straight hair, gum-lover (if I could choose I would be chewing gum),and creative

What is your favorite subject in school?

Art, because you could draw whatever you want and be creative

Who are some of your friends?

Mallory, Lauren, Cindy,and Daisy,

What has been the funnest thing you’ve done in Activity Days this last year?

Doing a service project, I would help with Ryan and say thank you more often

What were some presents you got for your birthday?

A jewelry box, post it notes and a pen, notebook and markers, birthday book-A Perfect Princess book series with necklace, fancy diamond earrings with matching necklace, other cute earrings, small earing case for carrying around earrings. (this girl loves! her earrings)

What kind of cake?

A donut cake. Cream filled donuts are my favorite

Who is your teacher in Primary?

Sister Day

What is something you like to do after school?

Draw or go outside or watch Netflix

What is something you are good at?

Can I say the same answer twice? Being organized

What is something you are afraid of?

The dark

What is something you’re most proud of?

When I come up with a new jewelry piece

What size shoe do you wear?

Size 1

What your favorite way to wear your hair?

Up in a bun

If you could travel anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go?

To Hawaii because I’ve never been there and it seems exciting

What is your favorite outfit?

T-shirt, jeans, and a hair bow

What is your favorite color?

Light blue or light green

What is your favorite chore?

Making my bed because at night I sleep on top of it with another blanket over me, so it’s already made in the morning. And because it’s fun

What do you like to cook?

Zucchini casserole

What is your favorite thing to eat?

Chicken and rice

What is a habit you have?

Organizing things

What animal is your favorite?

Baby cub. Baby cub what? A cub can be more than one thing. A bear mom. Cubs are bears

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A mom

What is the hardest part about being an older sister?

People nagging me about my mistakes

What is the greatest part about being an older sister?

Being in charge

What’s your most prized possession? What would you grab if there was a fire in the house?

My jewelry box, wait a minute NO..the scriptures!

Who’s your hero?

Heavenly Father because he gives me multiple chances.

What do you think Heaven will be like?

Happy, because it’s where righteous people get to be


Here are some random pictures from her birthday activities-donuts at school and a lone birthday party picture of her reaction to her new jewelry box. What I need to take a picture of is and the after picture of her super organized jewelry box. This jewelry box was so meant for her-big, with lots of little drawers and compartments for all her stuff-jewelry, gum, tiny notebooks, shiny rock collection, candy, pens and pencils,etc. A organizers dream for sure!

Brooke donuts at school blog-2

Brooke with her friend Cindy at school

Brooke donuts at school blog-1

Brooke donuts at school blog-4

Brooke donuts at school blog-3

Brooke's 9th birthday blog-1

We love you so much Brooke! You are the most amazing 9 year old I know. What fun you are to have around!

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