
The First Week of School

We have  successfully completely the first full week of school and our back to school schedule is in full swing. We are still adjusting to our “early to bed, early to rise” schedule, getting our after school chores in order, and how we are going to deal with getting three kids to school in clean clothes with a broken washing machine (that’s a whole other blog post in itself ). So far we are loving things. The kids love their teachers, are eager to do their homework, and have loved getting new backpacks, lunchboxes, and school supplies.

We are down to just two in Elementary school and we are the proud parents of a Middle  Schooler. Austin is in 4th grade this year, Brooke is in 2st grade, and Brianna is in 6th grade. Brianna’s school starts earlier than the elementary school so we leave the house about 7:50am, drop off Brianna, then swing by the elementary school and drop off Brooke and Austin. They love being early to school everyday. We are making up for our bad tardy history of years past. Austin walks Brooke to her class and then sits by her until their classrooms open up.


Brooke was excited to go to verification day and find out who her new teacher would be. She has been ready for 1st grade since spring. On the last day of Kindergarten her teacher emphasized that she now had a classroom full of 1st Graders. Brooke excitedly asked who her new teacher would be and if we could go to her new classroom. She was so disappointed to have to wait a whole summer before she would be in 1st Grade. Here is an interview with Brooke about her first week:

Brooke first day of school blog

What is your teacher’s name? Mrs. Braski

What does your backpack look like? It’s a rolling backpack and it’s pink

What kind of lunchbox do you have this year? It’s pink and it has a pocket on the outside

What were some of the school supplies that were needed? The notebook that had a princess on it and the whiteboard with my own markers

How did you feel on the first day of school? Excited

What is the funnest part of school? Today when we got to write in our notebooks with a princess on them

What is the hardest part of school? To listen to the teacher all the time

What do you like to play with  during recess? Sometimes I like going on the swings

What do you think about homework? Easy

What do you like best about school? Going out for recess. My other favorite part is going to lunch


Brooke in classroom blog

Brooke just got one of her front teeth pulled at the dentist the day before, so now she has a cute little first grade grin to start out the school year.


Austin and Brooke first day of school blog


Austin loves his teacher, Mrs. Franklin. She is so funny. On the first day of school, he came home telling us all the funny things she did. They did an activity where each student took a turn going up in front of the class and telling  something about themselves. When it was Austin’s turn to go up, he started talking and it was a little soft. She jumped up and excitedly said, “I forgot to tell you about  the toilet paper voice” That peeked Austin’s interest.

She said, “You know when you are in the bathroom and you run out of toilet paper? Do you talk real quite with your hands covering your mouth and kind of mumble real quietly,’Mom, I need some toilet paper.’ No, you talk real loud, “MOM,I NEED SOME TOILET PAPER!!!” We all thought this was so funny, more so probably because it happens all the time at our house.

He was also happy to report that if you just don’t feel like doing your work you can go in the back of the room and do jumping jacks to let a little steam off. Austin thought this is a great idea. This is the kids that really need 3 recesses a day, so for him he doesn’t mind at all doing jumping jacks if it means getting to more around a bit. Here are some other things about Austin starting 4th grade:

Austin first day of school blog

What is your teacher’s name?  Mrs. Franklin

What does your backpack look like? Black and look at the picture

What kind of lunchbox do you have this year? Black

What were some of the school supplies that were needed? Binder that my mom made look really cool!, pencils

How did you feel on the first day of school? Happy

What is the funnest part of school? Lunch

What is the hardest part of school? Waiting for you to pick me up from parent pick up

What do you like to play with  during recess? Tag

What do you think about homework? Boring

What do you like best about school? Going home


On the first day of school I asked Brianna what she thought and she said, “6th grade is awesome!” The Saturday before school started Aaron, and I took Brianna to her verification day at her school. She met her homeroom teacher, got her schedule, practiced opening her locker (and got it open the first time), saw where all her classes were, and toured the school a bit. In her middle school there is a separate 6th grade,7th grade, and 8th grade hallway. This makes it a lot less intimidating for the 6th graders (and for their parents) to know they will just be around other 6th graders. She loves switching classes, bringing a purse to school, getting to buy pizza everyday if she wants, and getting to have a locker.

Brianna first day of school blog


What is your teacher’s name?  Ms. Harvey

What does your backpack look like? It is Brown with colorful flowers on it. The zipper strings are polka dot ribbons.

What kind of lunchbox do you have this year? A brown and polka dot one.

What were some of the school supplies that were needed? Pens,  Highlighters, Binder, Book bag.

How did you feel on the first day of school? Very, Very nervous and mature.

What is the funnest part of school? You get to have a locker

What is the hardest part of school? Carrying all of my books to each of my classes.

What do you think about homework? I have a lot and it is hard.

What do you like best about school? I get to see all of my friends.


When I went to pick up the kids from school on the first day I noticed that there was black bellowing smoke coming from the direction of the school. As I got closer it looked like it was right at the school. I panicked for a second, and then noticed that they were continuing parent pickup as usually, so it must not be the actual school on fire. As I waited in line, I had my window rolled down listening to any information from other parents walking back to their cars. When I came to the pickup area for the kids, Austin jumped in the car and announced that he had the inside scoop on what happened. An old tree had fallen down, snapped a power line, and landed on one of the kindergarten teacher’s cars, causing it to catch on fire. What?! Talk about a random act of destruction. Austin said, “I passed by Mrs. McCardle in the hallway and she was smiling and waving nicely to everyone. She seemed happy, so I think she wanted her car to blow up so she could get a new one.”  The rest of the week was a lot less action packed, but filled with lots of fun memories, and anticipation of a new school year.

1 comment:

Gary and Shelice Murphy said...

Mrs. Franklin is my hero, teacher of the Eternity. I'm so thrilled Austin has her. I could go on and on and on...! The boys had the same "team" Brianna has this year...let me know if you need any inside scoop...we really liked them overall. Mrs. Estee's gave Zac a cook book when she found out he loved to cook. The recipes for the goodies Gary brought last time came from that book.