
{ Abby’s 5th Birthday }

After we returned from the temple, we had just enough time to open some presents and enjoy some birthday cake for Abby’s 5th birthday.

Abby 5th birthday blog

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After cake we let Abby open her presents. She got a few clothes, some new sunglasses, and her OWN chocolate bar-all to herself. Her last present was one that we had been hiding in the garage for the last three weeks. I had gotten her a new bike, and didn’t have a place to hide it. I had it hidden under a blanket in the garage. I thought for sure she would have looked under the blanket and seen it. When I asked her what she thought she might be getting, she said, “a wheel?” I had to chuckle a little. She was super excited with her new bike, and we all went outside to watch her try it out down the street. It took a little while for her to get used to the training wheels on it. They were on it kind of high, so she will learn to balance with it, and she was scared it would tip over. After a few rounds down the cul-de-sac though, she was confident she could ride it. Austin even offered to take the training wheels off, which we tried- and then promptly put back on. After all the screams and her refusing to get on the bike, we figured that a training wheel bike was good for ride now.

Happy Birthday Abby!

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